
Streamline your meeting scheduling process on Zoom with Calendly by creating a meeting poll effortlessly. Optimize your workflow by easily coordinating and organizing meetings with participants. This guide offers a step-by-step walkthrough, empowering you to efficiently utilize Calendly to create meeting polls, enhancing clarity and efficiency in your Zoom meetings.

1. First off, press the Create button.

1 Click on "Create"

2. Now, select the option named Meeting poll.

2 Click on "Meeting poll

3. Add your available timings by clicking Add times.

3 Click on "Add times"

4. After that, choose the Next button.

4 Click on "Next"

5. Then select Zoom to proceed.

5 Click on "Zoom"

6. Begin writing a thorough description and instructions.

6 Click on "Add description/instructions"

7. Click on Share meeting poll to propagate your planned poll.

7 Click on "Share meeting poll"

8. Subsequently, see your poll as it looks live by pressing View live page.

8 Click on "View live page"

9. Press Next once again after picking your meeting slot in the poll.

9 Click on "Next"

10. Finally, select Share times

10 Click on "Share times"

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