Share your interactive demos with anyone, anywhere

Whether you want to email Supademo to a prospect, embed in your help center, or share an onboarding playbook, we’ve got you covered.

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Share Supademo Anywhere

Fast and efficient sharing options

Supademo makes it easy to share and realize value in just a just minutes.

Share Supademo as a link

Easily share Supademo and Showcase collections over email, apps, or chat.

first feature

Share unique trackable links

Create unique, trackable links and receive notifications and analytics as viewers engage and complete steps within your Supademo.

second feature

Embed anywhere online

Embed individual Supademos or multi-demo Showcases to support docs, websites, in-app modals, LMSes, and more with unique code snippets.

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Advanced Sharing Options

More sharing options

Looking for more sharing options? Export your Supademo as a video, SOP guide, or GIF with one click.

Convert to step-by-step SOP guide

Transform your Supademo into a vertically scrolling product guide or SOP. Copy and paste into docs, playbooks or training in seconds.

AI voice and text feature

Export as video

Download your Supademo as a high-quality MP4, ideal for repurposing existing Supademos for YouTube, Vimeo, or social.

Zoom and pan feature

Built-in email capture and surveys

Add surveys and email forms to your Supademo to to collect valuable viewer data.

Showcase feature

Password-protect your prototpyes

Password-protect Supademo so sensitive content is accessible to authorized users.

Showcase feature

Convert to GIF

Export your Supademo as a looping GIF for use on social media or email newsletters.

CTA feature
Showcase Collections

Share multiple Supademos in one Showcase

Group together multiple, modular interactive demos into a single shareable URL or embed. Great for sales recaps, onboarding, and modular training.

Create and share product demos in minutes