
Elevate your scheduling process with the integration of Zoom into your Calendly link. Enhance user convenience by seamlessly connecting the two platforms, providing a streamlined experience for both you and your clients. This guide offers a straightforward, step-by-step process to effortlessly integrate Zoom with your Calendly link, ensuring efficient and clear communication for all your scheduled meetings. Boost productivity and simplify your virtual appointments with this comprehensive integration guide.

1. Begin by navigating to Integrations & apps.

1 Click on "Integrations & apps"

2. Now, spot and select the Zoom option.

2 Click here

3. Proceed by clicking on the Connect Zoom button.

3 Click on "Connect Zoom"

4. You'll have to sign in to your Zoom account next.

4 Click on "Sign In"

5. Check the box to share your access permissions.

5 Click here

6. Once done, click the Allow button to grant access.

6 Click on "Allow"

7. Now, navigate to Event types.

7 Click on "Go to event types"

8. Find and click the icon for 30 Minute Meeting settings.

8 Click on "30 Minute Meeting settings"

9. Find the Edit option and click on it.

9 Click on "Edit"

10. Proceed to Event Details.

10 Upload
11 Upload

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