
Elevate your task collaboration in Asana by seamlessly adding collaborators to your projects. Enhance teamwork and streamline task management by incorporating relevant contributors, ensuring easy identification and efficient communication. This guide offers a straightforward process to add collaborators to tasks in Asana, empowering you to optimize teamwork and clarity within the project management platform.

1. Navigate to your tasks list on the left sidebar

1 Click on "My tasks"

2. Select a task you want to add a collaborator to

2 Click here

3. Initiate the process by clicking on Assignee button

3 Click here

4. Choose the 'Assign to multiple people' option

4 Click on "Assign to multiple people"

5. Enter the name of the teammate you want to add

5 Click here

6. Conclude the process by hitting the 'Assign' button

6 Click on "Assign"

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