
Streamline your task management in Asana by efficiently adding tags to categorize and organize your projects. Elevate user experience and simplify navigation by incorporating relevant tags, facilitating quick identification of essential information. This guide offers a straightforward process to effortlessly add and utilize tags in Asana, empowering you to enhance efficiency and clarity in project management within the Asana platform.

1. Begin by navigating to 'My tasks'.

1 Click on "My tasks"

2. Next, find and open your desired task.

2 Click here

3. On the opened task, look for and click the more option icon.

3 Click here

4. select the 'Add tags' option.

4 Click on "Add tags

5. In the appearing menu, click 'Create tag for customer'.

5 Click on "Create tag for 'customer'"

6. Congratulations, you've successfully added 'customer' as a new tag.

6 Click on "This task is vi..."

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