
Enhance your design in Canva with our guide on seamlessly incorporating textures. Elevate visual appeal by adding depth and character to your creations. This step-by-step tutorial empowers you to efficiently integrate textures, ensuring your designs stand out with enhanced richness and visual interest. Streamline your creative process in Canva and achieve captivating results with this comprehensive guide on adding textures to your designs.

1. Tap on 'Elements' to find suitable images.

1 Click here
2 Click here

3. Choose an image by clicking the 'add to canvas' button.

3 Click here

4. Adjust the size of your selected picture as needed.

4 Click here

5. Click the 'Transparency' icon to alter image visibility.

5 Click here

6. Move the slider until you reach your preferred level of transparency.

6 Click here

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