
Elevate your design in Canva with the addition of outlines using this step-by-step guide. Enhance visual appeal and structure by incorporating outlines around elements, providing clarity and a polished look to your creations. Improve your design skills effortlessly with this comprehensive tutorial, ensuring a seamless process for adding outlines and refining the overall aesthetic within the Canva platform.

1. Begin by clicking on 'Elements.'

1 Click here

2. Then move ahead to 'Photos' and select 'See All.'

2 Click on "See all"

3. Choose your desired picture.

3 Click here

4. Next, opt to 'Edit Photo.'

4 Click on "Edit photo"

5. Select 'Shadows' in the options.

5 Click on "Image"

6. Proceed to click on 'Outline.'

6 Click on "Image"

7. Feel free to adjust the filters to your liking.

7 Click here

8. Finally, enjoy your design with its added Outline in Canva, you can animate it if needed.

8 Click on "Animate"

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