
Enhance your document formatting in Google Docs with a step-by-step guide on applying hanging indents. Elevate the clarity and professionalism of your content by effortlessly creating organized and visually appealing paragraphs. This concise guide walks you through the seamless process of implementing hanging indents, empowering you to optimize your document layout for improved readability within the Google Docs platform.

1. Please open the document you wish to edit.

1 Click here

2. Now, select all text in the document.

2 Click here

3. Discover and click on the 'Format' option in the toolbar.

3 Click on "Format"

4. Under 'Format', find and select the 'Align & Indent' option.

4 Click on "Align & indent"

5. Advance to 'Indentation Options' from the list.

5 Click on "Indentation options"

6. From the list, select your preferred indentation type.

6 Click here

7. Scroll down to find and select the 'Hanging' option.

7 Click on "Hanging"

8. Enter the desired amount of space for the hanging indent.

8 Click here

9. To finish, apply your specified changes.

9 Click on "Apply"

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