
When it comes to making informed decisions about software applications, savvy businesses are increasingly turning to G2 as their go-to resource.

In this tutorial, we'll learn how to effectively compare G2 reviews, which helps users compare the strengths and weaknesses of various software vendors, side by side. Dive into our guide on how to navigate and utilize G2 reviews for a thorough comparison of software vendors, ensuring you make the most informed decision possible.

Interactive demo guide

1. First off, navigate to the software category you'd like to compare. We'll use "Demo Automation" for this example.

1 Click on "Best Demo Automation Software"

2. After scrolling down, click "Compare" for the vendors you'd like to list on the side-by-side overview.

2 Click on "Compare"

3. Once you've selected all of your vendors...

3 Click on "Compare"

4. Click on "Compare Now".

4 Click on "Compare Now"

5. You'll be taken to a new page with your selected vendors compared on a side-by-side table.

5 Click on "Compare Consens..."

6. Scroll down to see their reviews and pricing at a glance.

6 Click on "Pricing"

7. And scroll down further to see their ratings!

7 Click on " 

8. You can even get feature-specific rating breakdowns!

8 Click on "Demo Management..."

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