
Streamline your task management in Asana with a guide on creating custom task rules. Enhance organization and efficiency by tailoring rules to your specific needs. This comprehensive guide walks you through the seamless process of crafting and implementing custom task rules, empowering you to optimize your workflow and boost clarity within the Asana platform.

1. Select the 'My tasks' button.

1 Click on "My tasks"

2. Click the three vertical dots in the 'Do Today' section.

2 Click here

3. Choose 'Add rule to section'.

3 Click on "Add rule to section"

4. Next, select the 'Do this' option to add rules.

4 Click on "Do this…"

5. Navigate and click on your preferred sections.

5 Click on "Move to a section…"

6. Proceed by clicking here for available options.

6 Click on "Recently assigned"

7. Choose from the provided options.

7 Click on "Do today"

8. Apply further steps to your rule by clicking this icon.

8 Click here

9. Enhance your rule by clicking 'Do this' again.

9 Click on "Add another act..."

10. Select from the available options.

10 Click on "Change completion status to…"

11. Finish this step by clicking on 'Complete task'.

11 Click on "Complete task"

12. Select your options after clicking on the bar.

12 Click on "Mark task incomplete"

13. Choose the 'Publish rule"

13 Upload

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