
Streamline your project management in Jira with our guide on creating a dashboard. Optimize your workflow by organizing and visualizing key project metrics. Improve user experience with customized dashboards, facilitating easy monitoring and enhancing overall efficiency. This step-by-step guide empowers you to effortlessly create and utilize dashboards, providing clarity and effectiveness in project tracking within the Jira platform.

1. Start by selecting 'Dashboards' from the menu.

1 Click on "Dashboards"

2. Next, select the 'Create dashboard' option.

2 Click on "Create dashboard"

3. Now, fill in the necessary information in the provided text field.

3 Click here

4. Once completed, click on 'Save' to secure your changes.

4 Click on "Save"

5. Finally, drag a gadget or add a new one to customize your dashboard.

5 Click on "Drag a gadget t..."

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