
Streamline your workflow in Brevo by creating targeted segments for enhanced organization and categorization of data. Elevate user experience and simplify navigation with relevant segmentations, ensuring easy identification of crucial information. This guide offers a seamless step-by-step process to effectively create and leverage segments in Brevo, optimizing efficiency and clarity in data management within the platform.

1. Navigate to the 'Segments' section.

1 Click on "Segments"

2. Begin segment creation by selecting 'Create a segment'.

2 Click on "Create a segment"

3. Scroll to examine the range of available predefined templates.

3 Click on "Most engaged em..."

4. Or choose to create a new unique segment.

4 Click here

5. Incorporate the filters that suit your segment.

5 Click on "Add a filter"

6. Finalize your selections by choosing 'Save as segment'.

6 Click on "Save as segment"

7. Provide a unique name for your segment.

7 Click here

8. Lastly, confirm your creation by clicking 'Create'.

8 Click on "Create"

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