
Elevate your project management in Airtable by creating and embedding a Kanban board seamlessly. Enhance organization and clarity as you categorize tasks and streamline workflows. This comprehensive guide offers a step-by-step process, empowering you to efficiently create and integrate a Kanban board within Airtable. Improve task visibility and optimize project management for increased efficiency and effectiveness in the Airtable platform.

1. Select the 'Kanban' button to begin creating your board.

1 Click on "Kanban"

2. Proceed to create your board by selecting 'Create new view'.

2 Click on "Create new view"

3. Now, indicate your task's progress by clicking 'Status'.

3 Click here

4. Once done, press the 'Done' button to save your settings.

4 Click on "Done"

5. Customize your board's arrangement by choosing the 'Sort' feature.

5 Click on "Sort"

6. Add filters to your board by tapping on 'Filter'.

6 Click on "Filter"

7. Refine your filter by choosing specific attributes like 'Name'.

7 Click on "Name"

8. Add more elements or actions using the '+' icon.

8 Click on "In progress

9. Get ready to share your board by clicking 'Share view'.

9 Click on "Share view"

10. Finalize and prepare the embed code by selecting 'Embed this view'.

10 Click on "Embed this view"

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