
Enhance your task management in Asana by creating multi-home tasks, streamlining organization and collaboration. Elevate user productivity by assigning tasks to multiple projects, ensuring seamless coordination. This guide offers a straightforward process for creating and managing multi-home tasks in Asana, empowering you to optimize your project management strategies for improved efficiency and clarity within the platform.

1. Select the arrow to open the task for editing.

1 Click here

2. Proceed by clicking on this icon.

2 Click here

3. Find and select the “Add to another project”.

3 Click on "Add to another project"

4. Select the project

4 Click on "GTM"

5. Choose the tasks.

5 Click on "Planning"

6. Click here to add multiple projects

6 Click on "Add to projects"

7. Continue to add more projects by repeating steps if you wish.

7 Click on "hie"

8. Great job! The task is now successfully added to multiple sections.

8 Click on "Untitled section"

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