
Trello is a powerful project management tool that helps teams collaborate and stay organized. Deleting unnecessary boards is crucial for maintaining a clutter-free workspace and improving overall efficiency. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to delete a board in Trello.

1. Choose the board you wish to remove.

1 Click on "hi"

2. Access the Board actions menu.

2 Click here

3. Opt for the Close board feature.

3 Click on "Close board"

4. Confirm your action by closing the board.

4 Click on "Close"

5. To permanently delete your closed boards, navigate to the Boards section.

5 Click on "Boards"

6. View your previously closed boards here.

6 Click on "View closed boards"

7. Finalize the process by hitting the Delete button.

7 Click on "Delete"

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