
Streamline your project management in ClickUp by seamlessly embedding Canva designs. Elevate collaboration and efficiency as you organize and showcase your creative work directly within ClickUp. This guide offers a straightforward process to effortlessly integrate Canva designs, enhancing clarity and productivity in your project management within the ClickUp platform. Optimize your workflow with this user-friendly solution for a more cohesive and productive work environment.

1 Click on "Share"

2. Now, proceed by selecting the 'More' option on the list.

2 Click on "More"

3. In the following step, please click on the 'Embed' button.

3 Click here

4. Following that, confirm your choice by clicking on 'Embed' again.

4 Click on "Embed"

5. From the HTML area, let's copy the code by clicking 'Copy'.

5 Click on "Copy"

6. Navigate to ClickUp next, and select the 'View' option.

6 Click on "View"

7. Find the 'Embed' section and click to open it.

7 Click here

8. In the space provided, go ahead and paste the Canva code you copied.

8 Click here

9. Finally, click 'Add Embed' to finalize your Canva design integration.

9 Click on "Add Embed"

10. Congratulations! You've just successfully embedded a Canva design in ClickUp.

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