
Maximize your productivity with Monday.com by seamlessly integrating apps to enhance functionality. Elevate user experience and streamline task management with tailored integrations for easy accessibility. This guide offers a step-by-step process to integrate apps, providing enhanced efficiency and clarity in utilizing Monday.com's platform for effective project management.

1. Let's start exploring! Click to 'Show all' your tasks.

1 Click on "Show all"

2. Ready for the next step? Find your desired app to integrate.

2 Click on "Integrate"

3. Look at all these options! Choose the app you want to integrate.

3 Click here

4. Almost there! Add your chosen app to your board.

4 Click on "Add to board"

5. Great choice! Now, let's connect your selected app.

5 Click on "Connect"

6. Last step! Give the app permission by clicking ‘Allow’.

6 Click on "Allow"

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