
Streamline your experience on Apollo.io by linking your email address with ease. Enhance efficiency and clarity in communication by seamlessly connecting your email to your Apollo.io account. This guide offers a straightforward process to create a link, providing a more organized and efficient approach to managing your email interactions within the Apollo.io platform.

1. Start by clicking on the profile icon.

1 Click on "NS"

2. Next, choose the option 'Your Profile'.

2 Click on "Your profile"

3. Now, find and click on the 'Mailboxes' button.

3 Click on "Mailboxes"
4 Click on "Link mailbox"

5. Proceed by selecting your email provider.

5 Click here

6. Ensure you read and accept all the Terms and Conditions.

6 Upload
7 Click on "Link mailbox"

8. After entering your email, select 'Continue'.

8 Click on "Continue"

9. Make sure to click on the displayed element.

9 Click here

10. Awesome! You've successfully linked your inbox

10 Click on "Check mailbox configuration"

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