
Enhance your productivity in monday.com by efficiently transferring data between tasks with ease. Streamline your workflow and improve task management by seamlessly moving information from one task to another. This comprehensive guide offers a straightforward process to facilitate data transfer within monday.com, empowering you to optimize efficiency and clarity in task management within the platform.

1. Select the task by clicking the given image.

1 Click on "Image"

2. After selection, click the checkbox to capture the whole table.

2 Click here

3. Initiate data transfer by clicking 'Move to'.

3 Click on "Move to"

4. Proceed to select from the given option.

4 Click on "Move to board"

5. Click the task to designate the board for data.

5 Click on "hi

6. Select the required file by clicking file.

6 Click on "To-Do"

7. Confirm the relocation by clicking 'Move items'.

7 Click on "Move items"

8. Congratulations! Your data has been successfully moved

8 Click on "Add new group"

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