
Enhance your task management in Asana by setting milestones to mark key project achievements. Improve project visibility and organization by using milestones for clear identification and tracking of significant progress points. This comprehensive guide offers a straightforward process to create and set milestones in Asana, empowering you to boost efficiency and clarity in project management within the Asana platform.

1. Start by selecting My Tasks from the sidebar.

1 Click on "My tasks"

2. Open the task you wish to flag.

2 Click here

3. Click on the three-point icon visible on the task.

3 Click here

4. Notice the dropdown, select Mark as Milestone.

4 Click on "Mark as milestone"

5. Now, navigate to your chosen project (e.g., Marketing Events Management).

5 Click on "Marketing Events Management"

6. On the project page, select the Overview tab.

6 Click on "Overview"

7. Lastly, find the task you marked earlier

7 Click on "Show examples

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