
Efficiently manage document sharing in ClickUp by implementing private sharing features. Elevate user collaboration and simplify access control by securely sharing documents with relevant stakeholders. This guide offers a straightforward process to create and share documents privately within ClickUp, ensuring enhanced efficiency and clarity in document management within the platform.

1. Start from your ClickUp workspace.

1 Click on "Agenda items fr..."

2. Find and select the 'Docs' option.

2 Click on "Docs"

3. Choose the particular project note you are interested in.

3 Click on "Project Notes

4. Look for the sharing icon and click on it.

4 Click here

5. Turn on the public sharing by toggling the switch.

5 Click here

6. Opt for more configurations by clicking on 'Advanced settings'.

6 Click on "Advanced settings"

7. If you wish, send a private invite via email.

7 Click on "Copy link"
8 Upload

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