
Enhance your Figma workflow by efficiently sharing individual frames with this comprehensive guide. Streamline collaboration and communication by learning the seamless process of sharing specific frames, ensuring clarity and efficiency in your design projects within the Figma platform. Optimize your design management strategies and empower your team to work cohesively with this step-by-step guide on sharing individual frames in Figma.

1. Choose the frame you’d like to share on the canvas.

1 Click here

2. Look for the 'Share' button and give it a click.

2 Click on "Share"
3 Click here
4 Click on "Copy link"
5 Click on "Anyone with the link"

6. Switch to 'Only people invited to this file' selection.

6 Click on "Only people invited to this file"

7. Provide an email in the given input field.

7 Click here

8. Finally, finish by clicking on the 'Invite' button.

8 Click on "Invite"

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Checkout Supademo Figma Plugin: Create interactive prototypes from frames (beta)

Welcome to the easiest way to create and share interactive prototypes from Figma — for free. With the Supademo Figma Plugin, you can transform your existing Figma frames into elegant, interactive prototypes.

Learn more about the Figma plugin through our feature page.

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