
Streamline your project management in Asana by mastering the art of time tracking. Boost efficiency and clarity by utilizing this guide to seamlessly track project time. Enhance the overall user experience and streamline navigation within Asana, ensuring easy identification and precise management of project timelines. This comprehensive guide empowers you to optimize your time-tracking strategies, bringing heightened efficiency and clarity to your project management workflows in the Asana platform.

1. Customize your project by locating the 'customize' icon.

1 Click on "Image"

2. Next, enable time tracking by locating 'Time your work'.

2 Click on "Time your work"

3. Move on to add 'Estimated time' for your tasks.

3 Click on "Estimated time"

4. Next, add 'Actual time' for your tasks.

4 Click on "Actual time"

5. After you've filled both fields, click the right-arrow icon.

5 Click here

6. Now, for every task, fill in the estimated time of completion.

6 Click here

7. Monitor time spent on tasks by clicking on the clock icon.

7 Click here

8. Ready to start a task? Click the timer start icon.

8 Click here

9. When you finish, stop the timer by locating the 'stop timer' button.

9 Click on "00m"

10. If preferred, manually enter the time spent on tasks.

10 Click on "0h 00m"

11. After entering time, remember to click 'Save'.

11 Click on "Add time

12. Click on the Dashboard for a better view

12 Click here

13. Analyze your metrics by navigating to the Dashboard.

13 Click on "Incomplete tasks
1 Filter"

14. In the Dashboard, review incomplete tasks and understand your performance.

14 Click on "Task completion..."

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