Sometimes, there is a need to find tickets, stories, issues, bugs, etc that were included in a previously completed sprint.

While Jira Software doesn't have a quick way to do this from the built-in UI, there is a simple process to viewing past tickets from previous sprints on Jira.

Step-by-step interactive guide

Text-based guide

1. First, let's ensure Sprint Reports are enabled for your project. If it already is, skip to step 8. Otherwise, let's select the 'Projects' option.

1 Click on "Projects"

2. Press the 'More' icon on your screen for the relevant Jira project.

2 Click here

3. Choose the 'Project settings' option.

3 Click on "Project settings"

4. Tap on the 'Features' option.

4 Click on "Features"

5. Ensure the you turn on "Reports" for this Jira project.

5 Click here

6. Awesome. Now let's click our project to view tickets from a previous sprint.

6 Click on "Software project"

7. Head over to the new 'Reports' section that's been added.

7 Click on "Reports"

8. Select the 'Sprint burndown chart'.

8 Click on "Sprint burndown chart"

9. Next, click the Sprint selector and...

9 Click here

10. Select the desired sprint you would like to view.

10 Click on "SUPA Sprint 4"

11. Optionally choose your Estimation field and you'll see a list of previous stories and tickets from this sprint!

11 Click on "Sprint
SUPA Spr..."

12. Scroll down and click any of the previous tickets to view it's contents!

12 Click on "Report: SUPA Sp..."

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