
Streamline your ticket management in Jira by incorporating due and start dates for enhanced organization. Elevate user efficiency and simplify task tracking by attaching relevant dates to tickets, facilitating easy identification and prioritization. This guide offers a straightforward process to seamlessly add due and start dates to tickets within Jira, empowering you to optimize your task management strategies for increased efficiency and clarity in the project management workflow.

1 Click here

2. Identify and click on your preferred ticket from the search results.

2 Click on "GROW-4 GTM experiments list"

3. Find the option to include a 'Due date' on the ticket.

3 Click on "None"

4. Next, add a 'Start date' for your ticket. Repeat the process for the 'Due date'

4 Click on "None"

5. Well done! You've now added both a start and due date to your ticket.

5 Click on "Pro tip: press 
 to comment"

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