
Streamline your design-to-presentation process with this comprehensive guide on converting your Canva designs to PowerPoint presentations. Elevate your workflow by seamlessly transferring your creative content, ensuring a smooth transition between platforms. This step-by-step guide empowers you to effortlessly transform your Canva designs into professional PowerPoint presentations, enhancing efficiency and providing a clear path for effective communication and presentation delivery.

1. Select your desired Canva design.

1 Click on "Image"

2. Now, press the 'Share' button.

2 Click on "Share"

3. Click the 'More' option.

3 Click on "More"

4. Choose the desired format for your presentation.

4 Click here

5. Hit 'Download' and celebrate, your Canva design is now a PPT!

5 Click here

6. An alternative is to use the 'Google Drive' option.

6 Click here

7. Click on 'File type'.

7 Click on "PNG"

8. Select 'PPTX' as your file type.

8 Click on "PPTX"

9. Finally, tap on 'Pay and Save' to add the PPT to your Google Drive.

9 Click on "Pay and Save"

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