
Efficiently manage your projects in Airtable by creating Gantt view charts. Organize tasks, enhance user experience, and simplify navigation with this guide on implementing Gantt charts. The seamless process outlined empowers you to visualize project timelines, improving efficiency and clarity in project management within the Airtable platform.

1. Start by selecting 'Add More' to begin your Gantt chart.

1 Click on "Add…"

2. Next, click on 'GanttView' to define your chart's structure.

2 Click on "Gantt
View each..."

3. Now, select all relevant fields for your data.

3 Upload

4. Add necessary fields, then confirm your entries.

4 Upload

5. Toggle the milestone option on, then proceed further by clicking 'Continue'.

5 Upload

6. Finally, you've successfully created your Gantt view chart!

6 Upload

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