
Efficiently enhance your communication strategy with Apollo.io by crafting customized email templates. Streamline your outreach efforts and elevate engagement by creating personalized templates tailored to your audience. This guide offers a user-friendly, step-by-step process to seamlessly design and utilize email templates within the Apollo.io platform. Empower your communication workflow, ensuring precision and effectiveness in your email campaigns.

1. First, select 'Emails' from the main menu.

1 Click on "Emails"

2. After that, proceed to 'Templates'.

2 Click on "Templates"

3. Now, choose 'Create New Template'.

3 Click on "Create New Template"

4. Next, fill in the necessary details in the provided text boxes.

4 Click here

5. Then, generate a template preview by clicking 'here'.

5 Click on "here"

6. Following that, select 'Choose a contact' to target a specific recipient.

6 Click on "Generate Previe..."

7. At this point, pick a contact from your list.

7 Click on "Choose a contact"

8. To see how the template performs, click 'Send Test Email to Me'.

8 Click on "Send Test Email to Me"

9. Finally, if you're happy with it, choose 'Save' to store the template.

9 Click on "Save"

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