
Enhance your Canva experience by mastering the art of drawing lines effortlessly. Streamline your design process and improve clarity by following this guide, which offers a seamless step-by-step process for creating and customizing lines in Canva. Elevate your design skills and boost efficiency with this straightforward tutorial, ensuring precision and clarity in your visual projects.

1. Let's start, click on the 'Draw' option.

1 Click on "Draw"

2. Now, choose the 'Pen' tool.

2 Click here

3. Next, access the pen's settings for customization.

3 Click here

4. Adjust the settings as per your requirement.

4 Click here

5. Fancy a color change? Go ahead and select a new one.

5 Click here

6. Time to be creative, draw something on the whiteboard.

6 Click here

7. Once done, click here to add a line.

7 Click here

8. Now, navigate to the 'Shapes' option.

8 Click on "Shapes"

9. Want to explore more? Click 'See all'.

9 Click on "See all"

10. Lastly, select your chosen shape and drag it onto the canvas.

10 Click here

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