
Streamline your Notion experience by embedding Canva designs seamlessly into your workspace. Enhance collaboration and visual appeal by following this guide, which offers a straightforward process to integrate Canva designs into Notion. Elevate your document's aesthetics and functionality, fostering efficient communication and a cohesive work environment within the Notion platform.

1. Choose the document you want to embed.

1 Click on "Image"

2. Now, please click the 'Share' option.

2 Click on "Share"

3. Next, select the 'More' button.

3 Click on "More"

4. Proceed by selecting the 'Embed' option.

4 Click here

5. Now, tap on 'Copy' button.

5 Click on "Copy"

6. Navigate to the Notion page where you want to add the design and insert "/".

6 Click here

7. Next, click on the 'Embed' option.

7 Click on "For PDFs, Google Maps, and more."
8 Click here
9 Click on "Embed link"

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