
Streamline your Mailchimp experience with our guide on exporting contacts effortlessly. Optimize workflow by organizing and categorizing your contacts with relevant tags for seamless navigation. This comprehensive guide provides step-by-step instructions on exporting contacts, ensuring efficiency and clarity in managing your email marketing campaigns within the Mailchimp platform.

1. Start by selecting the Audience tab.

1 Click on "Audience"

2. Proceed to choose All Contacts.

2 Click on "All contacts"

3. Next, Manage your Contacts.

3 Click here

4. Begin creating a New Segment.

4 Click on "New Segment"

5. Choose the Contact Conditions for the export.

5 Click on "is one of
is not one of"

6. Select the desired Audience.

6 Click on "Subscribed, Uns..."

7. Get a Preview of your Segment.

7 Click on "Contacts match ..."

8. Save the created Segment.

8 Click on "Save Segment"

9. Name your Segment then confirm by clicking Save.

9 Click on "Save"

10. To finalize, choose Export Segment.

10 Click on "Export Segment"

11. Export your Contact list As CSV for download.

11 Click on "Export As CSV"

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