
Streamline your design collaboration by seamlessly importing Miro boards into Figma. Enhance your workflow efficiency as you bring together the strengths of both platforms. This guide offers a straightforward process, ensuring a smooth transition and empowering you to integrate Miro boards into your Figma projects effortlessly. Elevate your design process and collaboration capabilities with this comprehensive guide on importing Miro boards into Figma.

1. Select your desired board to export from Miro.

1 Click on "My First Board"

2. Next, select the 'Save as image' option

2 Click on "Save as image"

3. Remember to choose the 'Vector' option

3 Click here

4. Now, hit the 'Export' button

4 Click on "Export"

5. Switch to Figma and click 'Import'

5 Click on "Import"

6. Choose files 'From your computer' to upload

6 Click on "From your computer"

7. Lastly, complete the process by clicking 'Done'

7 Click on "Done"

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Checkout Supademo Figma Plugin: Create interactive prototypes from frames (beta)

Welcome to the easiest way to create and share interactive prototypes from Figma — for free. With the Supademo Figma Plugin, you can transform your existing Figma frames into elegant, interactive prototypes.

Learn more about the Figma plugin through our feature page.

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