
Enhance your writing process with the SEMRush SEO Writing Assistant Tool by optimizing content for search engines. Organize and refine your articles with valuable suggestions, improving readability and SEO performance. This guide offers a seamless walkthrough, empowering you to effectively utilize the SEMRush SEO Writing Assistant Tool for enhanced writing efficiency and search engine visibility.

1. Start by selecting Content Marketing

1 Click on "Content Marketing"

2. Next, choose the SEO Writing Assistant

2 Click on "SEO Writing Assistant"

3. Now, click on Analyze new text

3 Click on "Analyze new text"

4. Type your text, or opt to import from the web

4 Click on "

5. To import, click on the Import button

5 Click on "Import"

6. Then, select Import keywords

6 Click on "Import keywords"

7. Feel free to get AI-based suggestions by clicking Ask AI

7 Click on "Ask AI"

8. Enter your text and improvise with AI's help

8 Click here

9. Finally, click Ask to send your text.

9 Click on "Ask"

10. You can move your content to Google Docs

10 Click on "Move to Google Docs"

11. Wrap up by moving your document, select your preferred document to move.

11 Click on "Move document"

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