
Enhance your digital strategy with the SEMRush Site Audit Tool guide. Streamline your website optimization efforts by efficiently utilizing this tool to analyze and improve your site's health. This comprehensive guide walks you through the seamless process of leveraging SEMRush's Site Audit Tool, providing invaluable insights to enhance your website's performance, optimize SEO, and boost overall online visibility. Elevate your digital presence with this user-friendly guide, optimizing your web strategy for improved efficiency and clarity.

1. Select 'SEO' to proceed for a site audit

1 Click on "SEO"

2. Navigate to 'Site Audit' in the SEO dropdown

2 Click on "Site Audit"

3. Choose 'Supademo' or your particular project for review

3 Click on "Supademo"

4. Analyze the overview and identify the areas for changes

4 Click on "Site Health

5. Click 'Set up' to start a new project

5 Click on "Set up"

6. Specify the types of pages and crawling sources you want to check

6 Click on "Website

7. Finally, initiate a complete site audit by clicking on 'Start Site Audit'

7 Click on "Start Site Audit"

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