
Streamline your data management in Mixpanel with a comprehensive guide on creating cohorts. Enhance user experience by organizing and categorizing data for easy analysis. This guide offers a seamless process to create and utilize cohorts, improving efficiency and clarity in data management within the Mixpanel platform.

1. Start by opening your Mixpanel Workspace.

1 Click here

2. From here, click the given icon.

2 Click here

3. Then, select the Cohorts icon.

3 Click here

4. On this page, click to make a new cohort.

4 Click here

5. You can now name your Cohort as you wish.

5 Click here

6. Add essential filters by clicking here.

6 Click here

7. Finally, press the 'Create Cohort' to finish up.

7 Click on "Create Cohort"

8. Congratulations! Your new cohort is successfully set up.

8 Click here

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