
Maximize your SEO strategy with the SEMRush Backlink Audit Tool. Effectively organize and assess your backlinks to boost online visibility. This guide offers a step-by-step process for utilizing the tool, ensuring seamless navigation and enhanced efficiency in managing your backlink strategy within the SEMRush platform. Elevate your digital presence with a comprehensive understanding of backlink management and optimization.

1 Click on "Backlink Audit"
2 Click on "Supademo"

3. Hover around for analysis and changes.

3 Click on "Audit"

4. Head onto your new project titled 'Calendly'.

4 Click on "Calendly"

5. Click on 'Set up' to configure your campaign.

5 Click on "Set up"
6 Click on "Start Backlink Audit"

7. Conclude the setup by connecting to 'Google Search Console'.

7 Click on "Connect Google Search Console"

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