Presales and sales are two distinct components of the customer acquisition process. While both are crucial for closing deals, they serve different purposes and require different skill sets. Understanding the key differences between presales and sales is essential for building an effective sales strategy and optimizing your revenue generation efforts.

In this article, we will explore the definitions of presales and sales, their roles in the sales process, and the activities involved in each stage. We will also discuss how presales and sales teams can collaborate effectively to drive business growth.

What is Presales?

Presales refers to the activities that occur before a sale is closed. It involves qualifying, proposing, and renewing deals. Presales support plays a vital role in the sales enablement strategy, helping teams efficiently convert customers. The primary objective of presales is to identify and position opportunities for conversion, optimizing the sales process.

Key Tasks in Presales

Presales encompasses several key tasks that contribute to the success of the sales process. These tasks include:

Prospecting: Identifying potential leads and opportunities through various channels, such as cold calls, lead generation campaigns, and market research.

Making Discovery Calls: Engaging in initial conversations with prospects to understand their needs, pain points, and motivations. Discovery calls help presales teams gather valuable information to tailor their proposals effectively.

Performing Product Demos: Demonstrating the features and benefits of the product or service being offered to prospects. Product demos help prospects visualize how the solution can meet their specific needs.

Qualifying Leads: Evaluating leads based on their potential, fit with the product or service, budget, timeline, and decision-making authority. Qualifying leads enables presales teams to focus their efforts on opportunities that are more likely to convert into sales.

Drafting Proposals: Creating customized proposals that address the prospect's requirements and align with their business goals. Well-prepared proposals increase the chances of closing deals successfully.

Understanding the Role of Presales Operations

In complex and enterprise organizations, presales activities are typically performed by sales operations and presales support teams, collectively known as presales operations. These teams work in close collaboration with the sales organization to optimize processes and drive efficiency at the beginning of the sales process.

Presales operations teams are responsible for supporting the sales organization by:

  • Optimizing lead qualification and management processes.
  • Providing technical expertise and product knowledge to assist in the creation of proposals and presentations.
  • Conducting competitor research to identify unique selling points and differentiate the company's offerings.
  • Analyzing customer data to gain insights into target audiences and create detailed buyer personas.
  • Identifying areas for continuous improvement to streamline the sales funnel for future deals.

What is Sales?

Sales refers to the activities involved in closing deals and generating revenue. It encompasses negotiation, closing, implementation, and ongoing support for the customer. While presales focuses on the early stages of the sales process, sales teams take over once the prospect has been qualified and the proposal has been delivered.

Key Tasks in Sales

The primary tasks involved in the sales process include:

Negotiation and Closing: After receiving the proposal from the presales team, the sales representative takes over to move the process forward. They maintain communication with the presales operations team to stay updated on the current state of the deal and obtain any pertinent information needed to close the sale successfully. If necessary, the sales and presales teams collaborate on additional negotiation or term updates to find the best solution.

Implementation and Ongoing Support: Once the deal's terms have been agreed upon, the sales and presales teams continue working together to support the successful implementation of the product or service for the customer. The sales team also acts as the point of contact for any routine maintenance or follow-up support required by the customer.

Collaboration between Presales and Sales

Effective collaboration between the presales and sales teams is crucial for optimizing the sales process and achieving revenue goals. By aligning their strategies and working towards a common goal, presales and sales can benefit a company's bottom line and drive continued growth.

To facilitate collaboration, here is a suggested workflow that combines the efforts of presales and sales:

Identify Sales Qualified Leads: The presales operations team qualifies leads acquired through marketing efforts. They assess the fit, needs, budget, timeline, and decision-making authority of each lead, determining if they are a good fit for the product or service.

Prepare and Deliver Proposals: Based on the information gathered during the lead qualification process, the presales team prepares a proposal that addresses the prospect's needs and aligns with their company goals. The proposal sets the stage for the closing sales representative to enter the process.

Negotiation and Closing: The closing sales representative takes over after the proposal has been delivered. They maintain communication with the presales operations team to understand the current state of the deal and gather any additional information necessary to close the sale. If negotiation or term updates are required, the sales and presales teams collaborate to find the best solution.

Implementation and Ongoing Support: Once the deal has been closed, the presales and sales teams continue working together to support the successful implementation of the product or service for the customer. The sales team acts as the point of contact for any routine maintenance or follow-up support required.

Throughout the presales and sales processes, the presales team identifies areas of improvement to streamline and simplify the sales funnel for future deals. This collaborative approach ensures a seamless transition from presales to sales, maximizing the chances of closing deals and delivering customer satisfaction.


Presales and sales are distinct yet interconnected components of the customer acquisition process. While presales focuses on the early stages, such as lead qualification and proposal preparation, sales takes over to negotiate, close deals, and provide ongoing support. By understanding the key differences between presales and sales and fostering collaboration between the teams, organizations can optimize their sales processes and drive revenue growth.

Remember, a successful sales strategy requires a balance between presales and sales activities. By investing in both areas and aligning their efforts, businesses can improve their conversion rates, increase customer satisfaction, and achieve sustainable growth.

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