Presales technology has witnessed remarkable growth in recent years. Business leaders have come to recognize the immense time and effort invested by presales teams in handling lengthy RFP questionnaires, customized demos, and sales-focused content.

As a result, the demand for presales software has skyrocketed, leading to the establishment of new categories dedicated to presales software by prominent organizations like G2 and Gartner.

However, with the multitude of presales software options available, it becomes challenging to discern the exact nature of presales software, its impact on sales outcomes, and the ideal software solution for your organization.

In this article, we will define presales software, emphasize its significance, and compile a comprehensive roundup of the best presales tools available in the market today.

What is Pre-Sales Software

74% of companies say converting leads into customers is their top priority. And doing so requires the right toolkit.

Presales software empowers solution consultants, demo engineers, and solution architects to effectively manage their workload and showcase the full functionality of their software in an engaging and captivating manner for prospects.

In essence, pre-sales software simplifies the lives of presales professionals. Pre-sales teams bear the responsibility of helping prospects envision the transformative potential of a product.

The buyer's journey has evolved significantly. With easy access to the internet, consumers can now research and compare solutions more extensively than ever before. They also rely heavily on user-generated content, such as peer reviews, which are almost as trusted as personal referrals.

This often involves sharing proof of concepts (POCs) or delivering demos that highlight the value of the product. Since each potential customer may have unique preferences and requirements, presales teams must tailor POCs and demos to match those specific needs, sometimes even addressing extensive RFPs. Performing these tasks for multiple prospects on a daily or weekly basis demands considerable time and effort from presales leaders.

Even if a presales team designs a flawless POC or demo, unexpected bugs may emerge at the most inconvenient moments, jeopardizing the sale.

Presales software addresses these challenges by reducing the manual labour involved in sales calls and minimizing the potential for errors during presales activities. It streamlines the process, enables the delivery of exceptional presentations, and enhances presales productivity.

What to Consider Before Choosing Your Pre-Sales Software

Choosing the right pre-sales software can significantly impact your efficiency and customer relationships. This software helps manage tasks, track leads, and streamline customer interactions. With numerous options available, here are key considerations to guide your decision:

1. Feature Completeness: Ensure the software covers essential features like contact management and opportunity tracking. Comprehensive tools support your entire sales process from lead generation to conversion.

2. Usability: Opt for software that is intuitive and user-friendly. You want a tool that enhances productivity, not one that requires extensive training to navigate.

3. Cost Efficiency: Compare pricing across different solutions. While some pre-sales software options may be pricey, others offer more affordable alternatives without compromising functionality.

Top Pre-Sales Software in 2024

With the presales software landscape expanding rapidly, it is crucial to comprehend the different types of software available and identify the industry leaders.

Here, we present an overview of each product and how they enhance the effectiveness of presales teams.

1. Supademo - Interactive Demo Software

Supademo is one the best presales software tools, specifically in the demo automation category. It helps create interactive product demos to show the full potential of your products o prospects in the simplest way possible. WIth this tool, marketing and sales teams can close deals faster, drive enablement and scale product onboarding with high-converting, AI-powered product demos.

Here's an example of an interactive product demo created using Supademo -

Supademo makes demo engineering easy with personalized Supademos for specific audiences and prospects.

With Supademo, sales engineers can create shareable demos and loop in decision-makers with shareable Supademos to recap key benefits and features discussed in a sales demo.

With its powerful analytics suite, sales team can also track and measure intent. Get clarity into viewership, completion rates, and customer engagement to understand prospect intent and motivation.

“Supademo has completely transformed our early-stage demo motion. Gone are the days of custom demos for unqualified prospects." Casey O'Brien, Solutions Consulting Director, Process Maker

2. Vivun - Pre-Sales Management Platform

Vivun enhances your presales team's effectiveness by tapping into their strategic potential to shape your product roadmap. Its AI engine provides precise insights into field activities, ensuring accurate forecasting and sales readiness, identifying key deal-driving features, and spotting emerging market trends.

With Vivun, your team gains a comprehensive view of all prospect/customer behavior, enabling them to track customer interations, progress, and outcomes transparently. It facilitates proactive management of stalled deals or problematic accounts to make informed decisions.

Through Vivun's dashboards and reporting tools, you and sales leaders can monitor critical presales metrics and identify significant trends, guiding virtual sales strategies effectively.

This is super helpful for sales process. Did you know according to the DemandGen Report, sales reps who nurtured leads produce, on average, a 20% increase in sales opportunities versus non-nurtured leads. Furthermore, 67% of lost sales are a result of sales reps not properly qualifying potential customers before taking them through the full sales process.

Moreover, Vivun promotes operational efficiency by fostering seamless collaboration among team members. This allows for self-management, direct integration with Salesforce, and automation of manual tasks, ensuring streamlined operations and maximizing opportunities without communication gaps or lost data.

3. Gong - Revenue intelligence Software

Gong stands out as a top revenue intelligence platform utilizing AI to analyze sales interactions like calls, meetings, and emails. It delivers valuable insights to enhance deal closure efficiency.

Did you know?

  • 80% of sales require 5 follow-up calls after the meeting.
  • 44% of sales reps give up after 1 follow-up
  • 50% of buyers choose the vendor that responds first.

Gong can help with this.

Key features of Gong include conversation analytics and intelligence on deals, individuals, and markets. Conversation analytics employs AI to capture and assess interactions across various channels, helping teams refine communication strategies.

Deal intelligence tracks deal progress and risks, identifying successful behaviors for replication across sales efforts. People intelligence offers top performance metrics and insights for effective team coaching.

Lastly, market intelligence aggregates customer interaction data to uncover trends and sentiments, providing businesses with valuable feedback on products, industry trends, and competitive positioning.

4. Seismic - B2B Sales Enablement Software

Seismic is a sales enablement platform designed to align teams' content, communications, and training with strategic goals. Operating through a cloud-based interface, it equips marketing and sales professionals with advanced tools to efficiently find, utilize, and share relevant content with clients and prospects.

According to HubSpot, 84% of sales executives cited content search and utilization as the top productivity improvement area.

Through Seismic's sales content management platform, organizations can create, manage, personalize, and automate sales content delivery, ensuring brand consistency and relevance across different audience segments. Sales representatives have access to approved marketing materials from any location, ensuring they always have the right resources available.

Additionally, Seismic offers an analytics suite that provides insights into key metrics such as content usage, audience engagement, and the overall effectiveness of sales presentations and campaigns. These insights enable stakeholders to make informed decisions and refine strategies as needed.

5. Loopio - Request for Proposal (RFP) Software

Loopio simplifies the process of responding to RFPs, RFIs, and security questionnaires, delivering substantial benefits to your presales and pre sales team's productivity by enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and response quality.

Using Loopio’s library feature, you can store and categorize your best responses, eliminating the need to start from scratch for each new RFP. This capability enables quicker and more precise responses, boosting productivity and freeing up time for other presales tasks. The feature also tracks changes, ensuring all team members access the most up-to-date information.

Additionally, Loopio provides robust collaboration tools that facilitate seamless teamwork on responses. Team members can assign tasks, monitor progress, and collaboratively review and edit responses within the platform. This not only improves efficiency but also reduces errors and ensures consistency in your submissions.

Furthermore, Loopio’s recent acquisition of Avnio enhances its capabilities, enabling teams to handle RFPs, RFIs, and questionnaires directly within Salesforce, further integrating and streamlining the response process.

Use Interactive Demos For Better Sales Productivity

Presales software has emerged as a game-changer, empowering teams to deliver impactful demos, optimize their workflows, and drive their sales cycle success. By leveraging the capabilities of these advanced tools, organizations can revolutionize their presales operations and stay ahead.

When considering presales software options, Supademo helps with sales demo automation in presales process. And the best part about Supademo is it's not just limited to sales operations - marketing, product, customer success, onboarding – so many teams can repurpose these demos for better content management.

It offers user-friendly functionality, allowing even non-tech-savvy individuals to create interactive demos effortlessly. The affordability factor is notable, with a free plan for up to 5 demos and reasonably priced paid plans.

Ready to take it for a spin? Create a free account – no credit card required.

"Supademo has been a huge asset across multiple departments and workflows across easy. We use Supademo across multiple departments, which cover all of our software solutions" - Felix True, Head of Presales, Easy

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