In today's digital world, virtual sales have become the norm. With remote sales teams and customer engagements happening online, it is essential for sales representatives to master the art of virtual selling. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore everything you need to know about virtual sales, from creating a winning virtual sales strategy to implementing effective techniques and tools that can help you close more deals. Let's dive in!

What is Virtual Sales?

Virtual sales, also known as remote sales, refers to the process of conducting sales interactions and engagements with prospects and customers in a digital space. Instead of meeting face-to-face, sales reps connect with their leads through video or phone calls, emails, and other digital channels. The goal is to replicate the relationship-building and educational experiences of traditional sales in an online environment.

Creating a Powerful Virtual Sales Strategy

To succeed in virtual sales, you need a strong strategy in place. Here are the key steps to creating a powerful virtual sales strategy:

Build Your Virtual Sales Process

Develop a clear and well-documented sales process that outlines the steps your team needs to follow to achieve optimal results. Adapt your existing sales cycle to the virtual environment, incorporating pre-sales preparation, prospecting, sales calls, follow-ups, and handovers to the onboarding team. Test and refine your process based on feedback and performance metrics.

Build the Right Virtual Sales Team

Assemble a winning virtual sales team composed of individuals who excel in time management, organization, and self-motivation. Look for sales professionals who are comfortable on camera, possess deep product knowledge, and can create exceptional experiences for prospects. Provide comprehensive training, coaching, and mentoring to empower your team and enhance their value to the organization. Consider even leveraging mentoring software to streamline the mentoring process and track progress.

Choose the Right Virtual Sales Tools

Equip your team with the necessary tools to excel in their virtual sales role. Invest in a sales-focused CRM, pipeline management tool, email marketing software, and social media monitoring tool. Additionally, explore virtual event platforms that offer interactive features like digital whiteboards, gamification, and collaboration tools to enhance the virtual sales experience. Utilize tools like interactive demos, mutual checklists, or digital sales rooms to improve deal velocity.

Create an In-House Sales Library

Establish an in-house sales library that consolidates all the resources your team needs to effectively engage with prospects and close deals. Populate the library with webinars, slide decks, case studies, fact sheets, and on-demand videos categorized according to the sales cycle stages. This resource hub ensures consistency in messaging and empowers your team to stay informed and share valuable knowledge with prospects.

Track Key Sales Metrics

Implement a robust system to track key sales metrics and measure the effectiveness of your virtual sales strategy. Monitor email open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and the number of closed deals. Analyze this data to identify areas for improvement and optimize your sales process.

Eight Tactics to Close More Virtual Sales

Once you have a solid virtual sales strategy in place, it's time to explore tactics that can help you close more deals. Here are eight techniques to consider:

1. Get to Know Your Prospect

Before attempting to close a deal, invest time in understanding your prospects. Identify their pain points and demonstrate how your product or service can address their needs. During virtual sales calls, aim to build rapport and trust by showing empathy, active listening, and a deep understanding of their challenges.

2. Embrace Social Selling

Expand your sales efforts beyond traditional channels by embracing social selling. Engage with prospects on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and relevant Facebook groups. Share branded content, offer insights, and participate in meaningful conversations. Social selling helps build relationships and establishes your sales reps as trusted industry experts.

3. Utilize Visual Content

Stand out from the competition by incorporating visual content into your virtual sales calls. While maintaining a focus on face-to-face interactions, leverage slides, videos, and other visual assets to deliver captivating product demos, highlight key features, and provide data-driven evidence of your solution's superiority. Visual content enhances engagement and helps prospects better understand your offering.

4. Foster Engagement

Transform your virtual sales calls into interactive experiences that captivate prospects. Leverage virtual sales or video conferencing tools with built-in features like whiteboards, collaboration tools, and live polls. Encourage prospects to actively participate, share insights in real-time, and experience your product or service firsthand. By creating engaging experiences, you can differentiate yourself and leave a lasting impression.

5. Optimize Audio Quality

Ensure crystal-clear communication during virtual sales calls by investing in high-quality microphones and headsets for your sales reps. Train your team on setting up their audio equipment and optimizing audio settings. By providing a seamless audio experience, you enhance the professionalism and effectiveness of your virtual sales interactions.

6. Personalize Your Virtual Space

Make your virtual sales calls visually appealing and aligned with your brand by personalizing the virtual environment. Encourage your sales reps to set up their home offices with branded banners or decor that reflects your company's identity. Alternatively, explore virtual backgrounds or virtual meeting platforms that offer branded backdrops and interactive features. A personalized virtual space helps create a cohesive and impactful sales experience.

7. Follow Up Strategically

Following up after virtual sales calls is crucial for nurturing leads and closing deals. Develop a series of follow-up interactions that provide value to prospects, such as sending helpful guides, fact sheets, and links to on-demand webinars. Strategically time your check-ins to gauge interest and guide prospects towards a purchasing decision.

8. Introduce Sales Incentives

Motivate prospects to take action by incorporating sales incentives into your virtual sales strategy. Consider offering limited-time discounts, free upgrades, or bonus features to incentivize prospects to sign up or make a purchase. Sales incentives can be powerful tools for driving conversions and accelerating the sales cycle.

Virtual Sales Enablement: Empowering Your Sales Team

Virtual sales enablement is crucial for equipping your sales team with the skills and resources needed to excel in virtual selling. By embracing virtual sales enablement, you can enhance various aspects of your sales process:


Leverage virtual sales enablement tools and resources to improve your team's prospecting efforts. Utilize lead generation services like to find and verify contact information, build targeted email lists, and set up automated email drip campaigns. also offers a sales CRM solution to keep all your sales data organized in one place.

Objection Handling

Equip your team with objection handling techniques and resources to address and overcome objections effectively. Provide them with sales scripts, data sheets, and role-playing exercises to build confidence and articulate the value of your product or service.

Deal Closure

Access the latest professional resources, such as sales books, webinars, and templates, to enhance your team's deal closure capabilities. Offer personalized coaching and feedback to help them close more deals and achieve their sales goals.

Tips for Successful Virtual Sales

To excel in virtual sales, keep these tips in mind:

  1. Establish a strong online presence through a well-designed website and active social media engagement.
  2. Be prepared with all the necessary information about your customers and products.
  3. Stay focused during virtual sales calls and provide prompt responses and excellent customer service.
  4. Stay connected and available for your customers' needs.
  5. Leverage technology tools like sales prospecting platforms, CRMs, and communication software to enhance your virtual sales experience.
  6. Manage your time effectively to ensure productivity and success.


Virtual sales have become an essential part of the sales landscape, offering numerous benefits and challenges. By implementing a powerful virtual sales strategy, leveraging effective tactics, and embracing virtual sales enablement, you can maximize your sales potential in the digital age. Remember to personalize your approach, foster engagement, and utilize innovative tools to give your virtual sales efforts a competitive edge. With the right mindset and resources, you can thrive in the world of virtual sales and achieve outstanding results.

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