What is RevOps and why does it matter?

Revenue Operations, or as the cool kids call it, RevOps – has been making waves across fast-growing startups and enterprises around the world. And for good reason.

RevOps is a strategic approach that aligns and unifies multiple departments under one umbrella – whether it be sales, marketing, and customer success teams – with the clear goal of optimizing revenue generation.

And since each department above can have a hand in customer acqusition, retention, and key customer success metrics, revenue operations naturally helps to streamline inter-department processes, data, and technology to break down silos and optimize revenue.

So whether you're building an internal RevOps team or outsourcing this function to others via RevOps as a Service (RaaS), here are some powerful RevOps tools and solutions designed to help your team close more deals, engage more prospects, and retain more customers.

Now let's dive in and explore these top 10 tools 👇🏽

1. Apollo.io

Apollo.io is a comprehensive revops solution that combines sales intelligence and engagement tools to help B2B companies identify, engage, and convert potential customers. The platform offers a vast database of updated contact and company data, coupled with capabilities to prospect and outreach. This makes Apollo a powerful tool for sales teams, marketers, and RevOps professionals.

Key features of Apollo.io

  1. Extensive B2B Database: Access to over 250 million contacts and 60 million companies with detailed firmographic and technographic data.
  2. Sales Engagement Tools: Automated email sequences, call tracking, and multi-channel outreach capabilities.
  3. AI-Powered: Predictive lead scoring and recommended next actions based on data analysis.

Practical use cases of Apollo.io

  1. Lead Generation: Sales teams can use Apollo.io to quickly identify and qualify potential leads based on specific criteria, such as company size, industry, or technology stack.
  2. Account-Based Marketing (ABM): Marketing teams can leverage Apollo's extensive database to build targeted lists for ABM campaigns, ensuring personalized outreach to high-value accounts.
  3. Sales Pipeline Acceleration: Sales reps can use the engagement tools to automate follow-ups and track interactions across multiple channels, helping to move deals more efficiently and generate more sales pipeline.
Apollo is best suited for...
- Small to medium-sized B2B companies
- Sales-driven organizations looking to scale their outreach efforts
- Companies with a focus on account-based marketing (ABM) strategies

2. HubSpot

HubSpot is a comprehensive inbound marketing, sales, and customer service platform that serves as a powerful RevOps platform. It offers a suite of integrated applications designed to help businesses attract, engage, and delight customers throughout their lifecycle. As a RevOps solution, HubSpot provides a centralized hub for aligning marketing, sales, and customer service teams, enabling seamless collaboration and data-driven decision-making.

Key features of HubSpot

  1. CRM Platform: A robust customer relationship management system that serves as the foundation for all customer interactions and data.
  2. Marketing Hub: Tools for content management, social media marketing, email campaigns, and marketing automation.
  3. Sales Hub: Features for pipeline management, email tracking, meeting scheduling, and sales automation.

Practical use cases for HubSpot

  1. Lead Nurturing: Marketing teams can use HubSpot's automation tools to create personalized email sequences and content offers that guide leads through the buyer's journey, handing off qualified leads to sales at the right moment.
  2. Sales Pipeline Management: Sales teams can leverage HubSpot's CRM and Sales Hub to track deals, automate follow-ups, and gain insights into their sales process, helping to close deals more efficiently and forecast revenue more accurately.
  3. Customer Success and Retention: Customer service teams can use HubSpot's Service Hub to manage tickets, create a knowledge base, and track customer satisfaction, enabling them to provide better support and identify upsell opportunities, ultimately improving customer retention and lifetime value.
HubSpot is best suited for...
- Small to medium-sized B2B businesses
- Marketing agencies
- Companies focused on inbound marketing strategies

3. Supademo

Supademo is a user-friendly, sales enablement tool that helps RevOps teams create interactive product demos in minutes. It allows teams to easily capture and highlight key features and benefits, enabling more effective sales presentations, customer onboarding, and support processes. Supademo helps bridge the gap between product teams and customer-facing teams by providing a simple way to showcase product features and workflows.

Key features of Supademo

  1. No-code or design skills needed: Easily capture and annotate product workflows without coding skills.
  2. Interactive elements: Add clickable hotspots, tooltips, chapters, and branching paths to demos.
  3. Deep analytics and insights: Track viewer engagement and gather data on demo performance.

Practical use cases for Supademo

  1. Sales Enablement: Sales teams can create customized product demos for prospects, highlighting specific features relevant to each client's needs, potentially increasing conversion rates.
  2. Product Onboarding: Customer success teams can develop interactive walkthroughs for new users, guiding them through key product features and reducing time-to-value.
  3. Internal Training: Product teams can use Supademo to create training materials for customer onboarding, ensuring they're up-to-date on the latest features and can effectively communicate product value to customers and prospects.
Supademo is best suited for...
- Product-led SaaS companies
- Customer success and support teams
- Product growth teams looking to drive activation and retention

4. Clari

Clari is an AI-powered RevOps solution designed to help B2B companies streamline their revenue processes and improve forecasting accuracy. It provides real-time visibility into the entire revenue pipeline, combining data from various sources to offer predictive insights and automate workflow processes. Clari aims to align sales, marketing, and customer success teams around a single source of truth for revenue data.

Key features of Clari

  1. AI-Driven Forecasting: Utilizes machine learning to analyze historical data and current pipeline information for accurate revenue predictions.
  2. Pipeline Management: Offers real-time visibility into deal progress, risk assessment, and opportunity tracking.
  3. Activity Intelligence: Automatically captures and analyzes customer interactions across email, calendar, and other communication channels.

Practical use cases for Clari

  1. Sales Forecasting: Sales leaders can use Clari's AI-powered forecasting to predict quarterly revenue with greater accuracy, allowing for more informed decision-making and resource allocation.
  2. Pipeline Review: Sales managers can conduct more effective pipeline reviews by leveraging Clari's real-time data and risk assessments, identifying which deals need attention and coaching reps accordingly.
  3. Marketing Attribution: Marketing teams can use Clari to track the impact of their campaigns on pipeline and revenue, gaining insights into which activities are most effective in driving business outcomes.
Clari is best suited for...
- High-Growth B2B Companies
- Enterprise Software Companies with complex sales cycles
- Companies with large distributed sales team that need alignment and processes across business units

5. Gong.io

Gong.io is an advanced revenue intelligence platform that uses artificial intelligence to analyze sales conversations across phone, email, and web conferencing. As a RevOps solution, Gong.io provides valuable insights into customer interactions, helping sales teams improve their performance, streamline processes, and make data-driven decisions. It captures, transcribes, and analyzes customer-facing conversations to identify patterns, best practices, and areas for improvement in the sales process.

Key features of Gong include

  1. Conversation Intelligence: AI-powered analysis of sales calls, emails, and meetings to extract insights and trends.
  2. Deal Intelligence: Tracking and analysis of deal progress, risks, and next steps based on actual customer interactions.
  3. People Intelligence: Coaching and performance tracking tools to help sales managers improve team effectiveness.

Practical use cases for Gong.io

  1. Sales Coaching: Managers can use Gong.io to review recorded sales calls, providing targeted feedback and identifying areas for improvement in their team's selling techniques.
  2. Win/Loss Analysis: Sales and product teams can analyze successful and unsuccessful deals to understand what factors contribute to wins and losses, helping to refine sales strategies and product offerings.
  3. Onboarding and Training: New sales reps can learn from top performers by studying successful sales calls and interactions, accelerating their ramp-up time and improving their effectiveness.
Gong.io is best suited for...
- B2B SaaS Companies with high annual contract values (ACV)
- Rapidly scaling companies that need to quickly identify and replicate successful sales strategies
- Large, distributed sales teams that need to maintain consistency in messaging and sales approaches

6. Salesloft

Salesloft is a comprehensive sales engagement platform that serves as a powerful RevOps tool. It's designed to help sales teams manage their entire sales process, from prospecting to closing deals. Salesloft streamlines and automates many aspects of the sales workflow, enabling sales representatives to focus on building relationships and closing deals rather than administrative tasks. The platform integrates with CRM systems and other tools to provide a centralized hub for sales activities.

Key of Salesloft include

  1. Sales Cadences: Automated, multi-channel outreach sequences that combine emails, phone calls, and social touches.
  2. Analytics and Reporting: In-depth insights into sales performance, activity metrics, and pipeline health.
  3. Dialer and Conversation Intelligence: Built-in calling features with call recording and AI-powered analysis of sales conversations.

Practical use cases for Salesloft

  1. Prospecting Automation: Sales development representatives can use Salesloft to create and manage multi-touch outreach campaigns, ensuring consistent follow-up and increasing the chances of connecting with potential customers.
  2. Pipeline Management: Account executives can leverage Salesloft's integration with CRM systems to manage their pipeline more effectively, using the platform's analytics to prioritize deals and activities.
  3. Sales Coaching: Sales managers can use Salesloft's conversation intelligence features to review recorded calls, provide targeted feedback, and identify best practices to improve team performance.
Salesloft is best suited for...
- B2B SaaS with complex sales cycles with multi-touch, long-term sales processes
- Rapidly scaling companies that need to onboard new sales reps and maintain sales efficiency
- Large, distributed sales teams that need to standardize sales processes and ensure consistent outreach across the organization.

7. Lemlist

Lemlist is a powerful sales automation and outreach platform designed to help businesses streamline their cold email campaigns and improve their overall sales process. As a RevOps tool, Lemlist focuses on personalizing outreach at scale, enabling sales teams to create highly targeted and engaging email sequences. It combines email automation with personalization features to help users stand out in crowded inboxes and increase response rates.

Lemlist also has a suite of business tools like lemwarm and lemcal, which allows existing users to unify their scheduling under a single platform.

Key features of Lemlist include

  1. Dynamic Personalization: Ability to personalize emails with custom images, landing pages, and video thumbnails.
  2. Multi-Channel Campaigns: Integration of email, phone, and LinkedIn outreach in a single sequence.
  3. A/B Testing and Analytics: Built-in tools for testing different email variations and tracking campaign performance.

Practical use cases for Lemlist

  1. Lead Generation: Sales teams can use Lemlist to create personalized cold email campaigns to reach out to potential clients, leveraging the platform's dynamic personalization features to increase engagement and conversion rates.
  2. Account-Based Marketing: Marketing teams can utilize Lemlist to create highly targeted, multi-touch campaigns for specific high-value accounts, incorporating personalized images and landing pages to capture attention.
  3. Customer Reactivation: Customer success teams can leverage Lemlist's automation capabilities to create re-engagement campaigns for dormant customers, using personalized content and multi-channel outreach to reignite interest in the product or service.
Lemlist is best suited for...
- Small to medium-sized B2B-focused businesses
- Digital marketing agencies
- Freelancers, small startups, and solopreneurs

8. Marketo

Marketo is a powerful marketing automation platform designed to help businesses streamline their marketing efforts, improve customer engagement, and drive revenue growth. As a key RevOps tool, Marketo integrates seamlessly with other systems to provide a comprehensive solution for managing and optimizing marketing campaigns across multiple channels.

Key features of Marketo include

  1. Lead Management: Marketo offers robust lead scoring, nurturing, and segmentation capabilities to help businesses effectively manage and qualify leads throughout the customer journey.
  2. Email Marketing: The platform provides advanced email marketing tools, including personalized content creation, A/B testing, and automated email campaigns.
  3. Analytics and Reporting: Marketo's analytics suite offers in-depth insights into campaign performance, ROI tracking, and customer behavior, enabling data-driven decision-making.

Practical Use Cases for Marketo

  1. Lead Nurturing: A software company uses Marketo to create personalized email sequences that nurture leads based on their interactions with the company's website and content, gradually moving them through the sales funnel.
  2. Event Marketing: A conference organizer leverages Marketo to promote upcoming events, manage registrations, send automated reminders, and follow up with attendees post-event to gather feedback and maintain engagement.
  3. Cross-Channel Campaign Management: A retail brand utilizes Marketo to orchestrate cohesive marketing campaigns across email, social media, and web channels, ensuring consistent messaging and tracking customer interactions across touchpoints.
Marketo is best suited for...
- Mid to Large-sized Enterprises with complex marketing needs and multiple customer segments.
- Marketing Teams with Technical Resources who can fully leverage Marketo's advanced features and customization options.

9. Outreach

Outreach is a comprehensive Sales Execution Platform designed to streamline and optimize RevOps for sales teams. It helps organizations design, measure, and improve seller workflows by providing a centralized solution that brings clarity to various technologies and data sources. Outreach aims to empower revenue-generating teams to achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness in their sales processes.

Key Outreach features include

  1. AI-powered sales workflows: Outreach leverages artificial intelligence to help sales teams make data-driven decisions, execute the right actions, and drive winning outcomes.
  2. Automated forecasting: The platform enables building automated and flexible forecasts using advanced modeling and predictive AI, allowing for quick, board-ready forecasts.
  3. Sales engagement tools: Outreach includes features for email sequences, analytics dashboards, targeted campaigns, and AI-driven lead scoring to accelerate sales growth.

Practical use cases for Outreach

  1. Sales process optimization: Outreach helps organizations build a structured, aligned, and repeatable sales process, providing clear insights into why teams win or lose deals.
  2. Rep coaching and skill improvement: The platform uncovers skill gaps and enables real-time coaching to help reps make better decisions and prioritize activities that lead to revenue.
  3. Deal management: Outreach simplifies stakeholder management, proactively identifies risks, and provides guidance on the next best actions to maintain deal momentum.
Outreach is best suited for...
- Companies with complex sales cycles and multiple touchpoints in their customer journey
- Scaling startups looking to establish or refine their sales processes and improve efficiency
- Large companies with distributed sales teams who want to improve collaboration across departments

10. Close

Close (formerly Close.io) is an all-in-one customer relationship management tool designed to streamline sales processes and enhance revenue operations. It integrates various sales activities such as calling, emailing, and SMS into a single platform, allowing sales teams to manage their workflows efficiently, analyze key performance indicators (KPIs), and close more deals in less time. Close CRM is particularly noted for its ease of use, speed, and automation capabilities, making it a valuable tool for sales leaders and representatives.

Key features of Close

  1. Built-in Communication Tools: Close CRM includes integrated tools for calling, emailing, and sending SMS, enabling seamless communication with prospects and customers without needing to switch between different platforms.
  2. Automation and Workflow Management: The platform offers robust automation features that help sales teams focus on selling rather than administrative tasks. This includes automated follow-ups, email sequences, and task reminders.
  3. Actionable Insights and Reporting: Close CRM provides detailed analytics and reporting tools that help sales teams track their performance, measure KPIs, and gain insights into their sales strategies, allowing for data-driven decision-making.

Practical use cases for Close

  1. Sales Team Management: Sales managers can use Close CRM to monitor their team's performance, track sales activities, and ensure that sales processes are being followed. The built-in communication tools and automation features help streamline daily tasks, making it easier to manage and motivate the sales team.
  2. Lead Nurturing and Follow-ups: Sales representatives can leverage Close CRM's automation capabilities to nurture leads through personalized email sequences and timely follow-ups. This ensures that no potential customer falls through the cracks and helps in maintaining consistent communication.
  3. Pipeline Management: Close CRM allows sales teams to visualize their sales pipeline, identify bottlenecks, and prioritize deals that are more likely to close. The platform's reporting tools provide insights into pipeline velocity and sales cycle length, enabling teams to optimize their sales processes.
Close is best suited for...
- Small businesses and startups looking for ease of use, affordability, and quick implementation
- Companies with a strong focus on sales and revenue growth
- Remote and distributed sales teams

Wrapping it all up...

Choosing the right RevOps solution depends on various factors, including the size of your business, your specific needs, and your existing technology stack.

Each of these top 10 RevOps solutions offer unique features, benefits and practical use cases, making them ideal for different types of startups and enterprises. Ultimately by leveraging these tools, businesses can streamline their operations, enhance customer experiences, and drive significant revenue growth.

If you're looking for a lightweight, multi-department interactive demo platform for RevOps, you may want to give Supademo a try. It's free to get started – no credit card required.

RevOps FAQs

What types of RevOps Solutions are available?

There are various RevOps Solutions available, including comprehensive platforms like CRM systems, sales automation tools, marketing automation platforms, and analytics software.

How do I choose the right RevOps Solution for my company?

When selecting a RevOps Solution, consider factors such as your sales process complexity, team size, budget, and scalability needs. It's recommended to conduct thorough research, read reviews, and try out different platforms before making a decision.

How can I ensure my team effectively uses RevOps Solutions?

To ensure effective use of RevOps Solutions, provide thorough training and support during implementation, set clear goals and success metrics, track progress, and offer ongoing feedback. It's crucial to help your team understand the benefits of using the technology.

What key performance indicators (KPIs) should I track with RevOps Solutions?

Important KPIs for RevOps include metrics related to operational efficiency, business process optimization, sales efficiency, and revenue growth. These KPIs should align with your overall business objectives.

Can RevOps Solutions improve my sales team's performance?

Yes, RevOps Solutions can enhance sales team performance by improving lead scoring accuracy, increasing lead nurturing effectiveness, enabling real-time data analytics, and providing better visibility into team activities.

What does a RevOps person do?

A RevOps (Revenue Operations) person is responsible for aligning and optimizing the processes, systems, and data across sales, marketing, and customer success teams to drive revenue growth. They work on streamlining operations, improving efficiency, and ensuring all revenue-generating departments are working cohesively towards common goals.

What problems does RevOps solve?

RevOps solves several key problems:

  • Siloed departments and poor communication between teams
  • Inconsistent or inaccurate data across different systems
  • Inefficient processes that slow down revenue generation
  • Lack of visibility into the entire customer journey
  • Misalignment of goals and metrics across departments
  • Ineffective use of technology and tools
What are the 4 pillars of RevOps?

The 4 pillars of RevOps are:

  1. People: Aligning teams and fostering collaboration
  2. Processes: Optimizing and standardizing workflows
  3. Technology: Implementing and integrating the right tools
  4. Data: Ensuring data quality, accessibility, and actionable insights
Who does RevOps report to?

Ideally, RevOps should report to a high-level executive who oversees all revenue-generating functions, such as:

  • Chief Revenue Officer (CRO)
  • Chief Operating Officer (COO)
  • Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

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