In today's competitive landscape, building leads and generating demand is an ongoing challenge for brands and organizations. With the ever-evolving tactics and strategies, it can sometimes feel like a hit-or-miss activity. However, to stay ahead of the game, brands need to think beyond capturing contact information and focus on demand generation on a larger scale.

Demand generation marketing aims to identify higher-quality leads and guide them through the sales funnel more efficiently. In this article, we will explore the concept of demand generation, discuss key tactics tied to it, and delve into some popular demand generation tools that can help boost your marketing strategy.

What is Demand Generation?

Demand generation differs from lead generation in its primary goal. While lead generation focuses on the volume of leads, demand generation seeks to create awareness and demand for your products or services. The aim is to attract high-quality leads, those more likely to convert and make a purchase. By focusing on demand generation, brands can engage their target audience and provide them with compelling reasons to choose their brand.

Tactics for Demand Generation

To effectively generate demand, brands employ various tactics that help attract, engage, and nurture high-quality leads. These tactics include:

Inbound Marketing and Website Behavior

Your website plays a critical role in your demand generation strategy. Utilizing inbound marketing methods, you can increase the value of your website content and resources. By understanding your target audience's pain points, interests, and content preferences, you can create content that resonates with them and positions your brand as a trustworthy resource. Additionally, observing visitor behavior on your website provides valuable insights, allowing you to optimize your content and improve the user experience.

Content Marketing

Relevant and valuable content forms the foundation of any demand generation strategy. Buyers are looking for informative content that helps them make informed decisions. By providing this type of content, you can position your brand as an industry expert and build trust with your audience. Effective content marketing can guide leads through the sales funnel and convince them to choose your product or service.

Social Media Engagement

Social media platforms have become powerful channels for demand generation. Consumers and businesses alike rely on social media to find and consume content. By leveraging social media networks, you can build rapport and relationships with your target audience. Engaging with them through meaningful conversations and providing valuable content can help generate high-quality leads and nurture them towards conversion.

Lead Nurturing

Once a lead engages with your content, it's important to start nurturing them immediately. Lead nurturing involves guiding leads through the buyer's journey and maintaining communication with them. While not all nurtured leads will convert right away, continuous nurturing can increase the likelihood of future conversions. Sales and marketing teams need to work together to ensure a seamless transition from marketing to sales.

Lead Scoring

Lead scoring is a method of assigning values to prospects based on their online behavior. By assigning points to specific activities, such as clicking on a link or reading a blog, you can gauge the readiness of a lead to make a purchase decision. Once a lead reaches a certain number of points, they can be passed on to the sales team for further engagement. Lead scoring helps prioritize leads and ensures that the most promising opportunities are pursued.

Interactive Content

Interactive content is an evolving tactic for demand generation. By diversifying the type of content you offer, such as calculators, polls, and surveys, you can engage prospects and capture their contact information. Interactive content not only attracts leads but also helps you understand their interests and preferences. The more engaged a prospect is, the higher the chance of converting them into customers.

Sales and Marketing Collaboration

Successful demand generation requires close collaboration between sales and marketing teams. By aligning strategies and goals, these two teams can work together to find, nurture, and convert leads. Collaboration ensures that the demand generation efforts are effectively communicated and executed, resulting in higher conversion rates.

To support your demand generation strategy, various tools can be beneficial. These tools provide automation, analytics, and reporting capabilities, allowing you to streamline processes and optimize your marketing efforts. Let's explore some popular demand generation tools:


  • Automate demand generation processes, such as website tracking, action-based triggers, and drip campaigns.
  • Integrate with Salesforce for seamless lead management.
  • Affordable pricing options based on your specific needs.


  • Complete marketing automation tool, now part of Salesforce.
  • A/B testing, landing page creation, lead capturing, and email automation.
  • Demo available to assess if the tool suits your requirements.


  • Manage campaigns, contests, and promotions.
  • Publish and promote campaigns on various channels.
  • Attract new prospects and build demand.


  • SEO tool for strategizing your demand generation.
  • Analyze competitors' SEO strategies and identify successful keyword structures.
  • Discover trending content to plan your demand generation strategy.


  • Enhance your social media strategy.
  • Develop compelling posts for different social media platforms.
  • Create effective hashtags and Calls-to-Action (CTAs).


  • Collect and save information from events and webinars.
  • Clean and analyze data, prioritize leads, and transfer information to your CRM.


  • Create interactive content to engage your audience.
  • Capture insights and modify your strategy based on audience participation.


  • Identify and communicate with influencers relevant to your industry.
  • Keep track of influencer relationships and measure their impact on demand generation.


  • Analyze website visitors' behavior in real-time.
  • Optimize link placement and calls-to-action for better conversion rates.


  • Create and test multiple versions of landing pages.
  • Determine which versions attract more high-quality leads.


  • Identify businesses visiting your website and capture their contact information.
  • Nurture relationships and convert leads at your own pace.

ABM Demandbase:

  • Account-based marketing (ABM) demand generation tool.
  • Hyper-personalization techniques to engage target accounts.
  • Lead scoring and tracking capabilities for ABM campaigns.


  • Keep your team connected with seamless communication.
  • Streamline workflows and ensure efficient collaboration.


  • Analyze the effectiveness of your demand generation strategy.
  • Identify traffic drop-offs caused by Google algorithm changes.

SEO Testing:

  • Test various SEO features and measure the impact on demand generation.
  • Optimize internal links, titles, and other SEO elements.

By incorporating these demand generation tools into your marketing strategy, you can streamline processes, save resources, and achieve positive results. These tools help build brand awareness, attract high-quality leads, and increase conversion rates. Remember, successful demand generation requires continuous effort, collaboration between sales and marketing, and the strategic use of these tools to meet the needs of your target audience.

Creating demand for your products or services is an ongoing process, and by leveraging the power of demand generation tools, you can stay ahead of the competition and drive your marketing strategy to new heights.


Demand generation goes beyond capturing contact information. It focuses on creating awareness and demand for your products or services among high-quality leads. By implementing effective tactics such as inbound marketing, content marketing, social media engagement, lead nurturing, and interactive content, you can generate demand and guide leads through the sales funnel. Additionally, leveraging demand generation tools can help automate processes, analyze data, and optimize your marketing efforts. From marketing automation tools like Autopilot and Pardot to SEO tools like Ahrefs, these tools offer unique features that can enhance your demand generation strategy. By combining these tactics and tools, your organization can streamline processes, save resources, and achieve greater success in your demand generation efforts. So, embrace the power of demand generation and leverage these tools to boost your marketing strategy.

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