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概要: 不要なチャンネルを削除してSlackワークスペースを整理したいですか?Slackはシンプルで直感的なツールですが、チャンネルを簡単に削除する方法を全員が直感的に理解しているわけではありません。古くなったチャンネルを整理したり、ディスカッションを統合したりする際に、このクイックSlackデモガイドを使用して削除プロセスをスムーズに進めましょう: 1. 削除したいチャンネルをクリックします。ここでは「channel-to-delete」を選択します。 2. 次に、チャンネル名をクリックしてオプションを表示させます。 3.

Slack에서 채널을 삭제하는 방법
개요: 불필요한 채널을 제거하여 Slack 작업 공간을 정리하고 싶으신가요? Slack은 간단하고 직관적인 도구이지만, 모든 사용자가 채널을

Cómo insertar enlaces en Figma
🎨Using Figma to create realistic demos? Learn how to transform your existing Figma screens into a

Comment insérer des liens dans Figma
🎨Using Figma to create realistic demos? Learn how to transform your existing Figma screens into a

So fügen Sie Links in Figma ein
🎨Using Figma to create realistic demos? Learn how to transform your existing Figma screens into a

🎨Using Figma to create realistic demos? Learn how to transform your existing Figma screens into a

Figma에 링크를 삽입하는 방법
🎨Using Figma to create realistic demos? Learn how to transform your existing Figma screens into a

Cómo eliminar una propiedad en Google Analytics (Actualizado 2024)
Descripción general: Tener demasiadas propiedades en Google Analytics puede generar desorden y confusión. Con los constantes

Comment supprimer une propriété sur Google Analytics (Mise à jour 2024)
Aperçu : Avoir trop de propriétés sur Google Analytics peut entraîner de la confusion et du désordre.

So löschen Sie eine Property in Google Analytics (Aktualisiert 2024)
Übersicht: Das Vorhandensein zu vieler Properties in Google Analytics kann zu Unordnung und Verwirrung führen. Mit

Google アナリティクスでプロパティを削除する方法 (2024 年更新)
概要: Googleアナリティクスに多くのプロパティが存在すると、混乱や混雑を引き起こす可能性があります。GoogleのUIが絶えず変更される中で、サポートガイドに従うのが難しくなることがあります。幸いなことに、Googleアナリティクス2024のユーザーインターフェースでプロパティを削除する方法を解説したステップバイステップガイドを作成しました。プロパティをゴミ箱に移動するには、編集者の役割が必要であることに注意してください。プロパティをゴミ箱に移動すると、すべてのコンポーネントビューもゴミ箱に移動されます。 Googleアナリティクスはどのような人に最適ですか? Googleアナリティクスは、デジタルマーケター、ウェブサイト管理者、Eコマースアナリストなど、

Google 애널리틱스에서 속성을 삭제하는 방법(2024년 업데이트)
개요: Google 애널리틱스에서 너무 많은 속성을 가지는 것은 혼란과 복잡함을 초래할 수 있습니다. Google의 지속적인 UI

9 RevOps Best Practices: Ultimate 2025 Guide For B2B SaaS
Your revenue numbers don’t add up well. Marketing teams say that they are crushing their

The Ultimate Guide to Demand Generation Strategies
Ever feel like you're shouting into the void with your marketing efforts? You're creating content, running

What does a Solutions Engineer do? Role & Responsibilities
When companies buy software today, they need more than a good sales pitch. They need someone

The 7-Step Discovery Call Guide + 12 Essential Questions to Ask
First impressions matter. Sales is no different. And that's why discovery calls – often the first step

13 Types of Sales Collateral with Examples and Best Practices for 2025
A study reveals that the average conversion rate across different sales industries is approximately 47%. However,

Ultimate Guide to Software Demo Presentations (2025)
You’ve worked tirelessly to nurture a prospect, and the moment of truth has finally arrived

Demo Sandbox Environments: What Is It & How to Create One
What is a demo sandbox environment? Think of a sandbox environment as a safe playground for

Sales Demo Environments - Everything You Need To Know
Picture this: You're a solutions engineer who is minutes away from a critical product demo for

Supercharge Distribute’s Digital Sales Rooms with Supademo
Have you spent countless hours creating recap emails or sales one pagers for prospects following a

The Ultimate SaaS Demo Video Guide - Benefits, Tips, Examples
According to Content Marketing Institute, 96% of B2B companies plan to use video product demos in

What is a Product Demonstration - Types, Benefits, Tips
Product demonstrations are the heartbeat of SaaS sales. They bridge the gap between product features and

How Supademo Enhances RevOps Implementation
Ever wondered how top companies make their Revenue Operations (RevOps) run like a well-oiled machine? The

How to Create Interactive User Guides for SaaS Onboarding
Discover the ultimate guide to creating interactive user guides for SaaS onboarding. We'll discuss benefits, types, steps, and recommendations.

How to Create User Guides in 2025 (Best Practices, Template & Examples)
Learn how to create user guides that—actually—help users learn and use your product better. See examples of user guides from other companies for ideas.

How to Build a Customer Experience (CX) Strategy
Let's be honest - customers today expect more than just a good product. They want smooth

Product Adoption vs Engagement Metrics: What’s the Difference and How To Improve Both?
You can have the most innovative product, but if people don't use it, it might as

The Ultimate Guide to Customer Retention Marketing
Every business wants new customers. But what about the ones you already have? Customer retention marketing

Introducing Supademo's Learning Academy
We're ecstatic to announce the launch of our new Learning Academy, an evolving, evergreen resource to

Unlock Customer Loyalty with Effective Customer Onboarding
High signups are meaningless if customers don't stick around to realize your product's value and eventually

What is a Product Demonstration - Types, Benefits, Tips
Product demonstrations are the heartbeat of SaaS sales. They bridge the gap between product features and

How to Create Modern Step-by-Step Guides for Your Product in Minutes
Ever wonder why some SaaS companies seem to grow effortlessly while others struggle? Often, it comes

5 Tactics for Better Onboarding: How We Increased Activation by 20%
Learn about five product-led growth onboarding tactics we used to increase onboarding completion and activation.

Better Product Onboarding with Interactive Demos: A Comprehensive Guide
When it comes to product onboarding, a lack of adequate training resources, stale help guides, product

Introducing Supa Screenshot: beautiful, instant screenshots for free
💡Learn more about Supa Screenshot by visiting the Supa Screenshot feature page. I used to dread

How to Build a Customer Experience (CX) Strategy
Let's be honest - customers today expect more than just a good product. They want smooth

Product Adoption vs Engagement Metrics: What’s the Difference and How To Improve Both?
You can have the most innovative product, but if people don't use it, it might as

What is SaaS Marketing Strategy? The Ultimate Guide
SaaS marketing can be tricky. But don't worry, we've got your back. In this guide, we'll

ABM Examples: Winning Strategies from 5 of The Top B2B Brands
B2B selling has become increasingly complex. Marketing teams chase promising leads but lack real buying intent,

13 Types of Sales Collateral with Examples and Best Practices for 2025
A study reveals that the average conversion rate across different sales industries is approximately 47%. However,

Supademo x Featurebase: Better Product Updates and Public Roadmaps
Leveraging interactive product demos within feature trackers, public product roadmaps, and changelogs can be a cheat

How to Add Interactive Product Demos to G2 Listing
In today's hyper-competitive B2B software buying process, having a strong presence on G2 can be a

The Ultimate SaaS Demo Video Guide - Benefits, Tips, Examples
According to Content Marketing Institute, 96% of B2B companies plan to use video product demos in

What is a Product Demonstration - Types, Benefits, Tips
Product demonstrations are the heartbeat of SaaS sales. They bridge the gap between product features and

7 Ways to Generate Marketing Qualified Leads Using Interactive Product Demos
Have you ever built a bookshelf or assembled an aesthetic workspace from scratch? After assembling it,

Product-Led Onboarding: Types, Examples, Tips, and More!
Product-led onboarding helps guide new users through the initial product experience. Let's explore its types, examples,

How to convert existing product demo videos into interactive product tours
Learn how to convert an existing product demo video or a screen recording into an interactive product tour using Supademo.

HTML Interactive Demos: Record, Edit, and Share High-Fidelity Product Demos
We're excited to release HTML recording and editing capabilities on Supademo –which help you create exact

Public Folder Sharing and Custom Transition Delays
✨Missed our last product update? Some highlights: 1. Background Music 2. Enterprise Invite Improvements 3. Platform

Background Music, Enterprise Invites, Auto-Branding
✨Missed our last product update? Some highlights: 1. Track Sessions & Viewer IP Data 2. Subtitles & Closed

Sessions & Viewer IP Data, Closed Captions, Customizable Watermark and More
✨Missed our last product update? Here were the highlights: 1. Track Unique Clicks & Conversions in Analytics

Track Unique Clicks & Conversions, More AI Voices, Workspace & Billing Improvements
✨Missed our last product update? Here were the highlights: 1. Early Preview: HTML Capture 2. Commenting

HTML Capture Preview, Internal Viewer Commenting, and Usability Improvements
✨Missed our last product update? Here were the highlights: 1. In-App Camera and Screen Recorder 2.

In-App Screen Recorder, New Chapter Design, HTML Recording Soon
✨Missed our last product update? Here were the highlights: 1. New Hotspot Options 2. Showcase Improvements

New Hotspot Options, Showcase Design Updates, Autoplay Play and Pause
✨Missed our previous product update? Here were the highlights: 1. Collaborative Commenting 2. Zapier Integration 3.

Collaborative Commenting, Zapier Integration, Select & Blur Custom Elements
✨Missed our last product update? Here were the highlights: 1. Smart Blur - Auto-Redact Sensitive Info

Smart Blur, Showcase & Custom Variables, Workspace Upgrades
✨Missed updates from Supademo's last Launch Week? Here were the highlights: 1. Loginless Supademos 2. Mac

Launch Week Day 4: Trigger Supademo as In-App Product Tour
✨Welcome to Supademo's first ever Launch Week On Day 1, we launched Loginless Demos, on Day

Launch Week Day 3: Custom Backgrounds and Improvements
✨Welcome to Supademo's first ever Launch Week Over the course of the next four days, we'll