
Streamline your project planning in Pendo by crafting a roadmap that aligns with your goals. Enhance user experience and simplify navigation by incorporating relevant milestones. This guide offers a straightforward process for creating and implementing roadmaps in Pendo, empowering you to boost efficiency and clarity in project management within the platform.

1. Select the 'Roadmaps' from the menu.

1 Click on "Roadmaps"

2. Choose 'Create Roadmap' to start.

2 Click on "Create Roadmap"

3. Pick a choice for your roadmap and proceed.

3 Upload

4. Tap on 'Add to Roadmap' to insert items.

4 Click on "Add to Roadmap"

5. Choose the function you prefer and select it.

5 Click on "Create initiative"

6. Click on the task you wish to achieve.

6 Click on "Reactivate all ..."

7. Type in a brief description for each initiative.

7 Click here

8. Don't forget to Save your progress.

8 Click on "Save"

9. Add a 'Swimlane' to differentiate topics on your roadmap.

9 Click on "Add Swimlane"

10. Observe how two topics coexist in the same timeline.

10 Click on "Need to hire a couple of interns"

11. Reposition initiatives by clicking, dragging, and dropping them.

11 Click on "prepare and giv..."

12. Adjust timelines by moving the tasks as necessary.

12 Click on "Need to hire a couple of interns"

13. Congrats, you've prioritized tasks and created your roadmap!

13 Upload

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