
Efficiently manage your writing tasks in Google Docs by leveraging the word count tracking feature. Enhance your document creation process by organizing and monitoring your word count seamlessly. This guide offers a user-friendly process to track your word count within Google Docs, providing a convenient way to optimize your writing workflow and ensure clarity in your content management.

1. Begin by opening your document and utilize the shortcut by pressing 'Ctrl+Shift+C' for PC or 'Cmd+Shift+C' for Mac.

1 Click here

2. Then, look for the checkbox to display your document's word count.

2 Click here

3. Next, confirm your action by clicking on the 'OK' button.

3 Click on "OK"

4. Afterwards, kindly navigate and click near the text space in your document.

4 Click here

5. Lastly, verify your document's word count by clicking on the displayed numbered section.

5 Click on "209 words"

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