





1. Figmaにアクセスして、ドキュメントを作成または開きます。

1 Click here

2. リンクを挿入したいテキストをクリックします。

2 Click here

3. リンクアイコンをクリックします。

3 Click here

4. WebからURLをコピーしてここに貼り付けます。

4 Click here

5. テキストをダブルクリックするとリンクが開きます!

5 Click here







まず、要素を選択し、右クリックメニューから「コンポーネントを作成」オプションを使用するか、Cmd/Ctrl + Alt + Kを押してコンポーネントを作成します。スタイルを作成するには、「スタイル」パネルでテキスト、色、またはエフェクトスタイルを定義し、それを要素に適用します。コンポーネントとスタイルは一貫性を保ち、デザイン全体での更新を容易にします。

Supademo Figmaプラグインのチェック: フレームからインタラクティブなプロトタイプを作成(ベータ版)

Welcome to the easiest way to create and share interactive pFigmaの既存フレームをエレガントでインタラクティブなプロトタイプに変換できる最も簡単な方法を提供します。無料でSupademo Figmaプラグインを使用して、Figmaのフレームを共有可能なプロトタイプに変換できます。

Learn more about the Figma plugin through our feature page.


Learning how to use Figma? See helpful guides below.
Supercharge Your Figma Prototyping with Supademo
This article will walk you through how to supercharge your existing Figma screens by turning them into an interactive Supademo. By the end of this post, you’ll be able to create interactive prototypes (from your existing Figma project) in a way that’s much faster than through Figma’s built-in proto…
How to use Auto Layout in Figma
🎨Using Figma to create realistic demos? Learn how to transform your existing Figma screens into a linkable interactive demo. Overview Open the control of plan adaptability with Auto Layout in Figma. With this comprehensive step by step interactive guide consistently organize and adjust component…
How to add frame on Figma
🎨Using Figma to create realistic demos? Learn how to transform your existing Figma screens into a linkable interactive demo. Overview Unleash your design superpowers and frame your creativity in Figma’s enchanting realm! With just a few clicks, discover the art of adding captivating frames to yo…
How to Insert Links in Figma
🎨Using Figma to create realistic demos? Learn how to transform your existing Figma screens into a linkable interactive demo. Overview Transform your design creations into interactive wonders with Figma’s powerful link-inserting capabilities. This comprehensive guide provides you step by step ins…
How to edit a view-only file in Figma by duplicating it
🎨Using Figma to create realistic demos? Learn how to transform your existing Figma screens into a linkable interactive demo. Overview Unlock the potential of view-only files in Figma by effortlessly duplicating them and gaining complete editing freedom. Seamlessly break through limitations, coll…
How to export file into PDF in Figma
🎨Using Figma to create realistic demos? Learn how to transform your existing Figma screens into a linkable interactive demo. Overview Now share your designs and collaborate with stakeholders by exporting files into PDF format in Figma. With just a few clicks, transform your visuals into a univer…

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