Earn recurring revenue by sharing the magic of Supademo

Share Supademo with your audience and earn a 20% recurring commission for every customer you refer.

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How Supademo's affiliate program works

Join the program

Sign up for the Affiliate Program to get access to a branded URL you can share with prospects.

Promote Supademo

Use your affiliate links to promote Supademo across blogs, newsletters, emails, videos, or other digital channels.

Earn recurring revenue

Earn a 20% share of the recurring revenue for each qualifying customer you refer to Supademo.

Earn recurring commissions

How to promote Supademo

Sharing the magic of Supademo is easy - simply use your unique affiliate link across your content and you'll start earning passive, recurring income instantly.

Create reviews and tutorials of Supademo

Record a video or craft up a written review of Supademo with your affiliate link included in the content.

first feature

Add to newsletters and podcasts

Add value to your readership or community by showing how anyone can create engaging interactive demos and guides for free.

second feature

Use Supademo across your courses and documentation

Build interactive tutorials for popular apps like Airtable or Excel and add your affiliate link to earn passive income.

third feature

Frequently asked questions

Earn recurring revenue as a Supademo Affiliate